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Eggnog can be all year or all season: your choice!
Despite being a food associated with Christmas and New Years, eggnog is something that you can enjoy all year long. Shop online in the app or at your local Shaw's for the eggnog you want, any time you want. While some folks prefer to make their ‘nog, the reality is that sometimes you just want to have a carton of eggnog handy for serving guests, using in recipes or just enjoying on your own time.
Part of what makes eggnog so fun is all the stuff that you can pair it with. For example, have you considered adding a bit of eggnog to pancake batter for a twist on an old classic? It could become the foundation for a fun pancake brunch with friends, or a lazy morning breakfast that doesn’t take too much work. Does bacon go with eggnog? Of course it does; feel free to throw in some bacon with this quick breakfast.
Some have found that they can add eggnog to not just pancakes but baked goods like muffins, cupcakes and even full cakes.
Seasonal foods like pumpkin also play well with eggnog, allowing you to cut some of the taste of eggnog with pumpkin or squash flavors with ease.
Shop online in the app or head down to your local Shaw's where you’ll find the eggnog chilled and ready to go!
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